[MPlayer-dev-eng] more pts

Charles Henrich henrich at sigbus.com
Fri Mar 1 03:11:38 CET 2002

Arpi, could you take a moment and explain just what exactly the skip/dup code
is doing?  Im wading through this and it just doesnt make any sense to me.

For the audio, we have a_pts set to whatever the demuxer gives up, but then
its adjusted by 


Why?  If you have the timestamp of the original audio packet, and the
timestamp of the original video packet, why do you need this adjustment to put
them back together again for a skip or dup?  Also further down the code a bit,
AV_delay is computed via 


which makes sense, but then you go on to adjust it via 


What are you subtracting out here?

And finally, why do you multiply the whole thing by .1?


I just dont understand what yor trying to do with this code.  

Wouldnt you only ever skip an video frame if the audio has missed a frame?
Why skip a video frame if there is a corresponding audio frame?

Wouldnt you want something like

    if(v_pts > a_pts) get_audio_frame()
    if(a_pts > v_pts) get_video_frame() 

and do the duplication as earlier in the code which is essentially:

    for(corr=current_framepts - lastframe_pts; corr > 0; corr -=frametime)
        write duplicate frame;



       Charles Henrich         Eon Entertainment         henrich at msu.edu


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