[MPlayer-dev-eng] Fix in the GUI code + patch

Alexandr Kara karaa9am at ss1000.ms.mff.cuni.cz
Wed Jan 2 11:15:12 CET 2002

I fixed a bug in the GUI code where the
KeyPress and KeyRelease events were both
propagated to the next layer (so all
keys which swithed state were activated
twice - so the option didn't change).

I also added shortcut 't' for showing/hiding
the subtitles and 'r' to reload subtitles
(useful for repairing/creating subtitles on
the fly).

I am sorry, but I made the patch against
a 10 days old release so patch complains
a bit, but is seems OK with the current state.

Alexandr Kara (Alexandr.Kara at seznam.cz)
-------------- next part --------------
diff -Naur MP-orig/Gui/mplayer/mw.h MP-modified/Gui/mplayer/mw.h
--- MP-orig/Gui/mplayer/mw.h	Thu Nov 22 19:52:25 2001
+++ MP-modified/Gui/mplayer/mw.h	Wed Dec 26 14:51:50 2001
@@ -566,7 +567,10 @@
    case wsS:         msg=evStop; break;
    case wsp:
    case wsP:         msg=evPlayList; break;
-   default:          vo_x11_putkey( Key ); return;
+   default:
+       if (Type == 1) // Only send KeyPress, not KeyRelease !
+          vo_x11_putkey( Key );
+       return;
  if ( ( msg != evNone )&&( Type == wsKeyPressed ) )
diff -Naur MP-orig/mplayer.c MP-modified/mplayer.c
--- MP-orig/mplayer.c	Tue Dec  4 22:04:17 2001
+++ MP-modified/mplayer.c	Wed Dec 26 14:49:37 2001
@@ -238,6 +238,7 @@
 float sub_delay=0;
 float sub_fps=0;
 int   sub_auto = 1;
+int   show_sub = 1; // Show/hide subtitles
 /*DSP!!char *dsp=NULL;*/
 extern char *vo_subdevice;
@@ -1838,6 +1839,32 @@
       sub_delay += 0.1;
       osd_show_sub_delay = 9; // show the subdelay in OSD
+    case 't': // show/hide subtitles
+      {
+          static int press = 1;
+		  if (press) {
+             show_sub = !show_sub;
+          }
+          else
+              press = 1;
+		  /*
+          mp_msg(MSGT_CPLAYER,MSGL_INFO,"Subtitles: %d, use_stdin = %d, code = %d, %d, aux = %d\n",
+		         show_sub, use_stdin, c, c, c - 't');
+          */
+          break;
+	  }
+    case 'r': // reload subtitles
+      if(sub_name){
+         int l=strlen(sub_name);
+         if ((l>4) && ((0==strcmp(&sub_name[l-4],".utf"))
+                     ||(0==strcmp(&sub_name[l-4],".UTF"))))
+         sub_utf8=1;
+         subtitles=sub_read_file(sub_name);
+         if(!subtitles || sub_num == 0)
+             mp_msg(MSGT_CPLAYER,MSGL_ERR,MSGTR_CantLoadSub,sub_name);
+      }
+      break;
     case '9':
     case '0':
     case '*':
@@ -2125,6 +2152,8 @@
          find_sub(subtitles,sub_uses_time?(100*(pts+sub_delay)):((pts+sub_delay)*sub_fps)); // FIXME! frame counter...
          sub_last_pts = pts;
+      if (!show_sub)
+         vo_sub = NULL;

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