[MPlayer-dev-eng] IRIX64 port in progress

Oliver Schoenbrunner oliver.schoenbrunner at jku.at
Wed Oct 17 16:51:22 CEST 2001

> Please tell me if there's someone trying to port MPlayer to IRIX, too, to share
> our efforts. I have tested my port on several IRIX 6.5 systems (O2, Octane,
> Indigo), all details after finishing the port.

a few days ago i compiled mplayer on my o2 (running irix 6.5.4)
it was quite simple. video only! 

i tested it with mpeg1/2 movies and some divx movies (-vc ffdivx)

here's what i did:


my compiler is gcc-2.95.2 (from freeware.sgi.com)

sparc is big-endian and non-intel, that fits best for sgi's mips-risc

% ./configure --target=sparc --disable-as-checking --disable-png 

*** changes to config.mak:
deleted the -pipe switch (wont work with irix' gcc, but that doesn't
matter as it just slows down the compile process...)
deleted the -mcpu= switch (let gcc choose the default value itself)
  8: OPTFLAGS = -O4 -ffast-math -fomit-frame-pointer

the math lib was missing
 31: ARCH_LIBS = -ldl -lpthread -lm

*** changes to stream.c; had to insert a dummy function to silence the
linker :-)
 32: static inline void vcd_set_msf(unsigned int sect) {
 33:   fprintf(stderr, "dummy function...\n");
 34: }

*** changes to mpegvideo.h (deleted the inline statement)
235: extern int get_rl_index(const RLTable *rl, int last, int run, int

*** changes to common.h (deleted the inline statement)
333: extern int av_log2(unsigned int v)

*** changes to Makefile:
changed line 131 from
	install -c -m 644 DOCS/mplayer.1 $(prefix)/man/man1/mplayer.1
	install -c -m 644 DOCS/mplayer.1 $(prefix)/man/man1/

% gmake



- oliver

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