[Mplayer-dev-eng] Re: DVD raw mode, IFO Parsing and AC3 through SPDIF

Felix Buenemann atmosfear at users.sourceforge.net
Fri Apr 27 23:18:11 CEST 2001

On Freitag, 27. April 2001 22:39 you wrote:
> 	Other thing I would like to see in mplayer is some
> 'postprocessing' capabilities, things like brightness/contrast/color
> correction are really usefull for some files/DVDs, as now this is beyond
> my knowledge, so is anybody out there?
I've also thought about something like postprocessing filter support, that 
should be plugins that kick in on the image data before it is passed to libvo.
I'm thinking bout ie. some nice asm bilinear filter or stuff like that, and 
brightness correction and stuff.

Here's a bug report on your stuff (applied to current cvs tree):
1. you try to modify CVS/Entries that should be removed from patch

2. seeking back in dvd is broken, osd moves to the right after some time 
it'll crash and stuff (many errors in libmpeg2 then). Tried with sdl and xv.

3. when parsing ifo you should also choose proper audio stream (not a bug, 
it's a feature :)

To Arpi: fix that no audio stream selected -> want's to select 255 bug with 
DTS sound dvd (remember incoming/MPlayer/dts/) as it crashes mplayer with 
sig11 for sdl and for xv it plays but very unstable and if you try to quit 
mplayer then using q it'll crash completely (picture stays on screen, had to 
change to konsole to kill mplayer, this is even worse for ie svgalib - same 
prob but fucks up whole console).

> 	- german
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> German Gomez Garcia         | "This isn't right.  This isn't even wrong."
> <german at piraos.com>         |                         -- Wolfgang Pauli

Best Regards,

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