[MPlayer-cygwin] Can't compile NUT (nut-SVN-r517.diff fails)

Eugene Kovgar ken20001 at ukr.net
Thu Apr 9 14:28:44 CEST 2009

Milen Manev <mmanev <at> gmail.com> writes:

> > Milen, what should I do when patch is not working?
> You have 3 possibilities:
> 1) Apply patch manually - it is easy. Open *.diff file. Original file
> is at the row begining with "---", patched file is at row beginning
> with "+++". Deleted lines are marked with "-", added lines with "+".
> Lines which does not have "-" or "+" are the context (not changed).
> After @@ is line number at which is the change(if file is changed it
> can vary).
> 2) Compile pthreads as dll
> 3) Do not compile pthreads at all.

I'll choose 1 .

> > But this patch is not applying too. Other packages was patched with your
> > patches well withour any problems but those two... :(
> This is normal. My patches apply to specific versions of packages,
> patches xx_XXXXXXX from http://oss.netfarm.it/mplayer-win32.php apply
> to some get(at the date when patch is published) from MPlayer svn.
> If some patch does not apply try to make changes manually.
Ok. I'll try but diff-file is too big and I don't understand some things:

diff -NpuBr -Xexclude.txt main/configure sherpya/configure
--- main/configure	2009-04-08 12:14:59.375000000 +0200
+++ sherpya/configure	2009-04-08 13:16:36.890625000 +0200
@@ -3291,7 +3291,16 @@ if test "$_pthreads" = auto ; then 

--- main/configure - is original file, it understood. But +++ sherpya/configure 
- what does it mean ? There are no sherpya directory in Mplayer directory. 
Create it?
Next. As I understood 3291 is the line at which is text: "if test "$_pthreads" 
= auto ; then", Yes, is it right?
And what is number after coma - seven and sixteen: 3291,7 +3291,16 ?

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