[MPlayer-cygwin] MingW: building libdvdread SVN 1109

Henry Garcia defsyn at gmail.com
Tue Jul 1 02:30:31 CEST 2008

Trying to build libdvdread on MingW with the latest SVN
 libtool version 1.5.26
 gcc 3.4.5
 MingW 1.0.1
 Windows 2000

Hacked the Makefile to allow it to continue, but then ended up with problems
 dlopen, dlxxx, etc.

I suppose dlopen and company don't exist for MingW?

But I wonder if this an exercise in futility for MingW? I've never have been
able to get libdvdnav to work on Windows, just Linux.

$ ./autogen.sh --prefix=/mingw
./autogen.sh: line 88: glibtool: command not found
./autogen.sh: line 89: test: : integer expression expected
./autogen.sh: line 89: test: : integer expression expected

**Error**: You must have `libtool' >= 1.4.0 installed to
           compile libdvdread. Download the appropriate package
           for your distribution or source from ftp.gnu.org.

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