[MPlayer-cygwin] dvdnav and MingW

John Brown johnbrown105 at hotmail.com
Wed Sep 20 19:12:42 CEST 2006

Frank  Aurich wrote:

>I've been noticing the rising amount of dvdnav-related commits to the 
>repository, and I'd like to try it out. Unfortunately, I can't find any 
>notes on what I need to make it work.

I was able to install compile and install libdvdnav using MingW/MSYS. I was 
also able to enable libdvdnav support in MPlayer.  I do not think it worked 
automatically. I believe that I had to edit the configure script for 
libdvdnav and/or MPlayer. If you try to configure them, and you send the 
error from the logs, I should be able to help you.

>Furthermore, does it work on MingW/Win32 as well?

Apparently, the official MPlayer svn cannot actually display DVD menus right 
now. I have not tried to apply the DVDNAV patch, so I cannot say whether it 
works on MingW/Win32 or not.

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