[MPlayer-cygwin] WinDVD Player

PBVillaflores at smart.com.ph PBVillaflores at smart.com.ph
Mon May 1 06:45:41 CEST 2006

This may seem a bit off topic, but I just noticed that the Intervideo
WinDVD player is actually able to play video files (such as .mpg and
.avi).  It does a much better job of playing at alternate playback
speeds between 1.0x to 2.0x, and seems to incorporate automatic pitch
adjustment so audio doesn't sound chipmunk-like.

There is just one glitch.  Reversal playback (as in hitting rewind to
playback at 20x speed) doesn't work.  It causes the program to hangup.

I used windvd 4.5.

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