[MPlayer-cygwin] Re: Some questions about MPlayer.

Reimar Döffinger Reimar.Doeffinger at stud.uni-karlsruhe.de
Fri Jun 30 11:32:11 CEST 2006

On Fri, Jun 30, 2006 at 12:23:53AM -0400, Victor Farias wrote:
> Sorry for bothering you, but I want to ask you some questions...

Writing to one of the lists usually is more helpful, I took the liberty
to CC mplayer-cygwin (though I moved you to BCC, in case you don't want
you email address public, after all you didn't say why you contacted me

> (1) I was testing the vo=gl2 output in MPlayer under Windows (compiled
> using MinGW), and I was able to see a big difference in colors between
> that output and the default output (vo=directx). I understand that
> this is a colorspace "problem", but using ffdshow+mpc (in overlay
> mode) the colors look the same as using vo=gl2 in MPlayer.
> Note: According to MPlayer, my video card only supports YV12, YVU9,
> YUY2 and UYVY in overlay.
> Now the question: Is it posible to make vo=directx display the same
> colors as vo=gl2?

I am not aware of a major difference, but you can change the colors for
vo directx via the 1-8 keys and usually also via the control panel of
your graphics card drivers. Maybe you changed something there and all
other players just ignore those settings (or MPlayer ignores them).

> (2) Another question: Due to the fact that vo=gl2 uses window
> decoration (title bar, maximize button, etc) as default:
> a) Could be posible to change the behavior in the
> double-click-over-the-title-bar/maximize button into fullscreen?.

Possible yes. But I doubt anyone will do it. So far a lot of contributions
to MPlayer's Windows support still comes from people that actually don't use
Windows anymore, so there is not much to expect. And this includes me.
I'm rarely motivated to boot windows just to fix MPlayer stuff.

> b) Could be posible to disable window movements when you click-move
> the video screen? (current behavior will move the video window and
> will not receive the single/double left-click input message).

You should receive the input messages by pressing CTRL while clicking. A
patch to change this behaviour is available (to move the window except
via title bar you would then have to press the ALT key), but so far there
was one person for and one person against the change - which is not
enough to convince me to make the change.

> c) Could be posible to take into account the window decoration when
> using the geometry option? (current behavior does not take into
> account the window decoration. You can try using geometry=0:0 to see
> what I mean).

This is intentional and unlikely to be changed.

> (3) The following is just a report: When the resolution of a video is
> bigger than the resolution of your desktop (e.g. 1280x720 v/s
> 1024x768) and you are using vo=gl/gl2, then the position of the video
> will be strange (you can only see the half of the image, the other
> half is out of the screen).

You are using pre8?
If it's not fixed I'll have another look at it. This is probably related
to another fix, before it would not allow the window to become bigger
than the screen size, resulting in a squished image (per default,
Windows does not allow windows to be bigger than screen size, bah).

> Maybe this is difficult to understand (my english is poor), but you
> can try this command to reproduce the "problem":
> >mplayer -vo gl2 -x 1280 -y 720 <filename.extension>
> I do not know if this behavior is known/intended.
> Note: To reproduce this behavior you cannot use the geometry option.
> (4) I almost forgot about this one: When I play a file that has this
> letter "ñ" (I hope you can see it, it is an "n" with a tilde on top)
> in the filename, then the windows console (CMD) with display that
> letter correctly, but MPlayer will display that letter as a strange
> symbol "±". Is it a Windows issue or something related to MPlayer?.
> >la oreja de van gogh - muñeca de trapo.mp3
> and
> >la oreja de van gogh - mu±eca de trapo.mp3
> Note1: I compiled MPlayer with "libiconv-1.10.tar.gz" support.
> Note2: This behavior will be the same with any other "non english
> character" (accents, diaeresis, etc).

Try setting the MPLAYER_CHARSET environment variable or the -msgcharset
options (also try "noconv"), but I'm not sure if it will help.

> (5) And finally, I noted an inconsistency in the console output. When
> running MPlayer you can see the message about "CPUflags". Current SVN
> displays that message this way:
> >CPUflags:  MMX: 1 MMX2: 1 3DNow: 1 3DNow2: 1 SSE: 1 SSE2: 1
> >Compiled for x86 CPU with extensions: MMX MMX2 3DNow 3DNowEx SSE SSE2
> There you can see the 3DNow2 v/s 3DNowEx.
> I do not know if this behavior is known/intended.

Known, more or less yes, intended probably not.

> Again, sorry for bothering you and thank you very much for your great 
> work!!!
> Byes :(
> * Sorry for my poor english.

Your English definitely is good enough.

Reimar Döffinger

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