[MPlayer-cygwin] [BUG] Wrong window aspect with playlist and dual-monitor setup

Frank Aurich fa859178 at inf.tu-dresden.de
Mon Jan 30 19:52:33 CET 2006

Hi there,

I ran into the following a while ago, but never bothered to find out 
what causes it. I believe I know now, and therefore provide you with the 
following information:

My hardware:
AMD Athlon XP 2400+
1GB of RAM
ATI Radeon 9800 Pro
Creative Audigy Player

I use Mplayer in Windows XP SP2, built using MingW:

MINGW32_NT-5.1 KYLE 1.0.10(0.46/3/2) 2004-03-15 07:17 i686 unknown

I tested this with the latest CVS version:

MPlayer dev-CVS-060130-18:55-3.4.2 (C) 2000-2006 MPlayer Team

I have a dual-monitor setup, with the primary display being the right 
one, and the secondary standing left to the primary.
The primary display therefore as a pixel range from 0,0 to 1280,1024 
(width, height), while the secondary one ranges from -1280,0 to 0,1024.

My videos usually play on the 2nd monitor, I have to use the option 
"-adapter 2" in Mplayer to do so.

With single files, this works as expected. Videos get displayed on the 
left-hand display.

When using MPlayer to play playlists (either with the -playlist option 
or just several files called up by mplayer in a command line) though,
something goes wrong after the first file has finished playing and the 
next file starts. Mplayer creates a new video window with the wrong 
aspect ratio, usually the new window is wider (I'd say about double the 
expected width), height gets slightly smaller.
This wrong ratio gets used for the video as well, the result being a 
horizontally stretched picture.

I'll try to illustrate:

+------------+			+--------------------------+
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With each queued file it gets worse, i.e. the window stretches wider and 
wider and gets smaller in height as well.
Also, it does not matter what kind of videos are played. The problem 
exists with .avi, .mp4, .ogg and probably others as well.

The problem only exists when watching on the secondary display (-adapter 
2). I attached Mplayers output so you can check if there's anything in 
it. I did compare output of both modes (-adapter 1 and -adapter 2), 
unfortunately, there's not much difference at all.



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