[MPlayer-cygwin] Switches to compile mplayer on cygwin NODEAMON

Stefan Gürtler helfmir at surfeu.de
Mon Jan 17 13:09:07 CET 2005

Thomas Plank schrieb:
> Hello!
> I tried to compile mplayer on cygwin, simply using ./configure && make. That
> worked fine, but the resulting mplayer.exe has a different behaviour than
> the ones from http://www.mplayerhq.hu/MPlayer/releases/win32-beta/ which I
> used till now.
> Can anybody tell me the *exact* switches, which are needed for compiing an
> exe like the one from .../n32-beta?
> I think there are additional requirements, who could tel me? :-)
> TIA Thomas

Search the archiv of this year. You will find mails about a HOTWO, 
descibing steps needed to build libraries needed for building mplayer 
using MinGW. The autor of this HOWTO is Sascha Sommer, the one person 
compiling the official win32 binaries (using MinGW), and following the 
steps described in the HOWTO and using the ./configure command given 
there, you should end up with a mplayer binary with the same options as 
the official mplayer win32 binaries have.
If the different behaviour results from the missing config file, you 
have to add the config file from the official binaries to ~/.mplayer, a 
hidden directory in your cygwin home directory.


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