[MPlayer-cygwin] Sasha's gui and mingw32

Erik Augustson erik_27can at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 22 11:28:10 CEST 2004

Heya all,

I've been fiddling with getting Sasha's gui to compile under mingw, and have
done so with a lot of success, but there are a few hitches i could use some help
with. The steps i took were these; Firstly i grabbed the most up-to-date gui
patch i could find, which was at:


I then unzipped that within the MPlayer source tree, patched configure with the
configure.diff, and then had to do some manual hacking, all of which i've added
to a patch which is here: (i added the configure.diff changes into it as well)

libvo/vo_gl2 complains about config_glx_gui, and well, since we're in windows
and we don't use glx, i removed those references. It seems that vo_gl2 conflicts
with an already defined STREAM_SEEK which is typdef'd in /mingw/include/objidl.h
and you get a "parse error before numeric constant." This is in no way a fix,
but i commented out the typdef for STREAM_SEEK in objidl.h and it then compiled
fine. I'm not sure if this is a gcc issue or not, but short of renaming the
variables, that was the quickest fix i could find.

The mplayer.c changes were to remove the gmplayer checks and force it to use the
gui. So once i had it compiled, i could just rename mplayer.exe to gmplayer.exe
and it would run in gui mode. I know it's still a buggy gui, but it still looks
great and has all the basic functionality. At the moment however, when i double
click the the gmplayer.exe, it still opens a command prompt which then opens up
the gui. What i'd like to know is A) is there a better fix for the STREAM_SEEK,
this is most important, B) is there any way have only the gui come up from
gmplayer, rather than have the command prompt open (although it's good for
debugging) and C) where to start looking to add input from the keyboard to the
video output screen (i was going to do that tonight, but it's getting late)


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