[MPlayer-cygwin] Preliminary Cygwin compilation guide

Stefan Gürtler Stefan.guertler at stud.tum.de
Mon Jul 12 12:27:59 CEST 2004

> Stefan Gürtler writes:
> >
> > This is the way e.g. Sascha Sommer is doing it for his win32 releases at
> > mplayerhq.hu.
> These are MinGW packages.
> I strongly disagree about --codecsdir=codecs being a good thing on
> Cygwin.  If you want to take out the mplayer binary, this is already a
> specialized need.  This could of course be described as an option.
> Diego
 Isn't / wasn't there someone on the list that provided win32 packages based
on cygwin, too? I remeber that he disabled the console window i his builds.
I agree that standalones taken form MinGW should performe better and
therefore are to be prefered to cygwin standalones. Though I have to say
that at least I sometimes have issues with the MinGW port that dissappear in
the cygwin ports (most probalby because of the SSE bugs in MinGWs always
very latest  gcc compilers. cygwins somewhat more conservative gcc builds
work better on the mplyer/mencoder source.) And it was/is often much easier
for inexperienced users ( that will look into guids like this) to compile
extra libs like e.g. liblame, libogg/ libvorbis/libntheora etc. under cygwin
than under MinGW, as they often have autoconf building mechanism / configure
scripts / Makefiles that are already opimized to work under cygwin but not
under MinGW, though it is getting better!
Maybe you are fit enought to get them building yourself, I often have lots
of troubles and gave up on them sometimes. Often they are not that important
for me to spent so much time on them. But just remember for which kind of
person this guid is ment to help.


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