[MPlayer-cygwin] Preliminary Cygwin compilation guide

Chris Taylor chris at equate.dyndns.org
Sat Jul 10 17:00:49 CEST 2004

On Sat, July 10, 2004 9:45 am, Stefan Gürtler said:
>> Given that this is a compilation guide specifically for cygwin, I'm not
> sure that this is strictly necessary.. also, that would have the problem
>  of the codecs dir being a subdir of where you were compiling, if i'm 
> reading the option correctly. If you wish to remove from the posix 
> environment, you'd have to use a windows path.. Trying to remember (it's
>  5am, so I'm not expecting to get this right.. :P), but can't you specify
> a codecs location in codecs.conf ?
> mplayer.exe will look for a codecs dir relativ to its position, so you 
> can copy mplayer.exe in any folder you like, and mplayer.exe will try to
>  find the codec dlls in a subdirectory codecs just next to it. (That is
> if you specified --with-codecsdir=codecs) E.g. copy mplayer.exe and the
> cygwin dlls that where not statically linked into mplayer.exe to f:\,
> mplayer.exe will look for the codec dlls in f:\codecs. This is the way
> e.g. Sascha Sommer is doing it for his win32 releases at mplayerhq.hu.
> Stefan

True.. But as I said, it's very preliminary, and will probably go through many changes before it's final (if it ever gets there.. can documentation ever be complete? ;)

I'm not against compiles that will run outside of cygwin, but quite frankly, mingw is actually better for that in most cases, as it typically produces faster programs..
It's probably something I'll include info on at a later date, but I'm not all that keen on statically linking libs.. ;)

They're only trying to make me LOOK paranoid!

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