[MPlayer-cygwin] bug hunting

Diego Biurrun diego at biurrun.de
Fri Jan 31 04:06:39 CET 2003


We are wrapping up the 0.90 release but there are still some bugs
lingering in our Cygwin version.  A few things broke between releases,
maybe you can help me find the exact date and/or commit that broke it
so we might hopefully fix it.

- Sometime between RC1 and RC2 compilation with --disable-streaming

- Real DLLs have been working at some unknown point in the past.

- QT DLLs work for some people and not for others.  Maybe we can do a
  bit more detective work around this issue.

- Win32 DLLs would be really cool - Sascha ? ;-)

Any help/research/patch is appreciated.

Strangely --disable-streaming works if I remove the ifndef lines in

// inclusion of fcntl.h cause cygwin gcc crash
#ifndef __CYGWIN__
#include <fcntl.h>

gcc 2.95.3-10 then gives an internal compiler error, gcc 3.2 is fine.
Does anybody still use 2.95.3-10 with Cygwin?  Should we remove this
and stop supporting that compiler or is it not worth it?  Any better


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