[Mndiff-dev] [BUG] mnzip: exit status 1 with some some files

Corey Hickey bugfood-ml at fatooh.org
Wed Jun 20 00:17:51 CEST 2007

I don't know if this is a bug in compression or decompression, but 'mnzip
d' exits with status 1 even though the operation appears to work--the
output file is identical to the original.

You can get bzip2-ed source files here:


They're the first 4 MB and 1 MB of the linux 2.6.0 tar.

$ ls -l
total 5128
-rw-r--r-- 1 bugfood bugfood 4194304 2007-06-19 16:56:44 big
-rw-r--r-- 1 bugfood bugfood 1048576 2007-06-19 16:56:55 small
$ md5sum *
03dd4e4b175dda45093dd7183a6356b9  big
0a2b383ccb25969dd930dbe57da08d4f  small

To reproduce, run a set of commands like this:

echo -----compressing-------
mnzip c0 small > out.mnz
echo exit status $?
echo ---------decompressing----------
mnzip d out.mnz > out
echo exit status $?

The "big" file has the same problem even with "c" instead of "c0".

I've posted logs:



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