[MN-dev] [mndiff]: r72 - trunk/vga600/vga600.asm
subversion at mplayerhq.hu
Fri Jul 6 01:00:10 CEST 2007
Author: michael
Date: Fri Jul 6 01:00:10 2007
New Revision: 72
version from 1997-02-19 15:37
Modified: trunk/vga600/vga600.asm
--- trunk/vga600/vga600.asm (original)
+++ trunk/vga600/vga600.asm Fri Jul 6 01:00:10 2007
@@ -173,9 +173,9 @@ Not2_End_CheckSet:
cmp bx,ax
jb End2_CheckSet
- cmp ax,[max_line-int10h] ;check num_lines (300-1000)
+ cmp ax,[MaxLines-int10h] ;check num_lines (300-1000)
ja End2_CheckSet
- cmp ax,[min_line-int10h]
+ cmp ax,[MinLines-int10h]
jb End2_CheckSet
mov al,[MSL-int10h]
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ FindBest:
mov ax,bx
call FindSet_V ;find and set Vertical nums
- cmp si,[max_line-int10h]
+ cmp si,[MaxLines-int10h]
ja End_FindBest ; get out if toooo much
mov si,FP8_ClockTable-int10h ;si=pointer to clock_table
@@ -221,15 +221,15 @@ FindBestClock:
mov ax,[WORD si] ;get clock
mul [WORD FP8_1-int10h] ;for more precision
div [WORD HT-int10h] ;find line_freq HT MUST >256
- cmp ax,[FP8_min_LineFreq] ;check if < min_LineFreq
+ cmp ax,[FP8_MinLineFreq] ;check if < MinLineFreq
jb End_FindBestClock
- cmp ax,[FP8_max_LineFreq] ;check if > max_LineFreq
+ cmp ax,[FP8_MaxLineFreq] ;check if > MaxLineFreq
ja End_FindBestClock
mul [WORD FP8_1-int10h] ;for more precision
div [WORD VT-int10h] ;find refresh_freq VT>256
- cmp ax,[FP8_min_refresh] ;check if < min_refresh
+ cmp ax,[FP8_MinRefresh] ;check if < MinRefresh
jb End_FindBestClock
- cmp ax,[FP8_max_refresh] ;check if > max_refresh
+ cmp ax,[FP8_MaxRefresh] ;check if > MaxRefresh
ja End_FindBestClock
cmp ax,bp ;check if better than best
jb End_FindBestClock
@@ -573,23 +573,23 @@ ret
FP8_1 dw 256
-FP8_min_refresh dw 60 shl 8
-FP8_max_refresh dw 90 shl 8
-FP8_min_LineFreq dw 28 shl 8
-FP8_max_LineFreq dw 72 shl 8
-FP8_ClockTable dw 32 dup (?)
+FP8_MinRefresh dw 60 shl 8
+FP8_MaxRefresh dw 90 shl 8
+FP8_MinLineFreq dw 28 shl 8
+FP8_MaxLineFreq dw 72 shl 8
+FP8_ClockTable dw 32 dup (?)
FPx_1_ dw FPx_1
FPx_1p5 dw FPx_1/67 ;1/.015=67
FPx_VS dw FPx_1/200 ;1/.005=200
-FPx_VB dw FPx_1/14 ;1/.070=14 !!!(inacurate)
+FPx_VB dw FPx_1*7/100 ;1/.070=(100/7)
clock_d db 0
-max_line dw 1023
-min_line dw 300
+MaxLines dw 1023
+MinLines dw 300
counter db delay2
temp db 0
@@ -599,51 +599,94 @@ end10h:
- cld
- mov dx,offset(c_r)
- call wstring
- mov si,80h
+ cld ;clear dir_falg
+ mov dx,offset(c_r) ;dx=offset(copy-right)
+ call wstring ;write it to screen
+ mov si,80h ;si=offset(Num_ComLineArgs)
mov ch,0
- mov cl,[si]
- inc si
- or cx,cx
- jz unk_command
+ mov cl,[si] ;cx=Num_ComLineArgs
+ inc si ;si=offset(ComLineArgsBuffer)
+ or cx,cx ;check if nothing there
+ jz Unk_Command
+ xor bp,bp ;set nothing_Specified
- lodsb
- cmp al,'/'
-loopne commands
- je nunk_command
+ lodsb ;fetch 1-byte from ComLine
+ cmp al,' ' ;check if space
+loope SkipSpace ;loop until no space
+ je nUnk_Command ;check if not at end
+ test bp,bp ;check if no_VgaCardSpecified
+ jnz ComLineOK
+Unk_Command: ;print error-msg and exit
mov dx,offset(u_c)
call wstring
int 20h
- lodsb
- or al,00100000b ;conv to lower-case
+ cmp al,'/' ;check if CommLineArg starts with /
+ jz Ok_Comm ;go on if so
+ cmp al,'-' ;check if CommLineArg starts with -
+ jnz Unk_Command ;get out if not
- cmp al,'u'
- jne nunload
- jmp unload
+ mov di,si
+ mov si,offset(CommLineOptionsTable)
+ mov bx,offset(CLO_Enable)
+ push di ;Save di
+ lodsb ;fetch byte from table
+ or al,00100000b ;conv to lower-case
+ scasb ;compare if same at CommLine
+ je Next_CommLineArgByte ;if yes check next
+ test al,al ;check if end reached
+ jnz Unk_Command ;SP not restored !
+ dec di ;in case "/A1" instaed of "/A 1"
+ mov al,' '
+ scasb ;skip spaces
+ je Check_Space
+ dec di
+ lodsb ;get call address from table
+ cbw ;convert to word
+ add bx,ax ;add to last
+ call bx ;call it
+ cbw ;convert to word
+ or bp,ax ;set bit in bp
+ pop di ;restore di
+ lodsb ;fetch next
+ dec di ;restore di
+ test al,al ;check if end reached
+ jnz Next_CommLineArg
+jmp SkipSpace ;get next CommLineArg from CommLine
- cmp al,'e'
- jne nenable
- mov [BYTE CheckSet],060h
- jmp enable_disable
+ push bp ;save bp
+ shr bp,2 ;remove OptionFlag and VgaCardSpecifiedFlag
+ shr bp,1 ;remove rightmost flag
+ jnc CheckLine: ;if flag was 0 try next
+ test bp,bp ;if not zero then error
+ jnz UnkCommand
+ pop bp ;restore bp
+ mov ax,bp ;ax=bp
+ xor ah,al ;(ah=0) ah=~al
+ cmp al,00010000b ;Check for UnInstall
+ je UnInstall
+ cmp al,00100001b ;Check for Probe(and vga_card)
+ je Probe
+ test ax,0000000111111100b ;Check for VgaCard w/o other stuff
+ jz GoTSR
+ test al,11110001b ;Check for Enable/Disable/options w/o other stuff
+ jz PassToTSR
+ jmp UnkCommand
- cmp al,'d'
- jne ndisable
- mov [BYTE CheckSet],0C3h
- jmp enable_disable
cmp al,33h
- ja unk_command
+ ja Unk_Command
sub al,30h
- jb unk_command
+ jb Unk_Command
push si
mov ah,0
xchg ax,bx
@@ -998,7 +1041,65 @@ ret
and ax,0001110011100011b
or al,ah
- out dx,al ;0-2
+ out dx,al ;0-2
+ mov [BYTE CheckSet],060h ;set first oppcode to pusha
+ mov al,00000100b ;set Enable-Flag
+ mov [BYTE CheckSet],0C3h ;set first oppcode to ret
+ mov al,00001000b ;set Disable-Flag
+ mov al,00000001b ;set Vga_card_specified-flag
+ mov al,00010000b ;set UnInstall-Flag
+ mov al,00100000b ;set Probe-Flag
+ call GetNumFP8
+ mov [FP8_MaxLineFreq],ax
+ mov al,00000010b ;set Options-Flag
+ call GetNumFP8
+ mov [FP8_MinLineFreq],ax
+ mov al,00000010b ;set Options-Flag
+ call GetNumFP8
+ mov [FP8_MaxRefresh],ax
+ mov al,00000010b ;set Options-Flag
+ call GetNumFP8
+ mov [FP8_MinRefresh],ax
+ mov al,00000010b ;set Options-Flag
+ call GetNum
+ mov [MaxLines],ax
+ mov al,00000010b ;set Options-Flag
+ call GetNum
+ mov [MinLines],ax
+ mov al,00000010b ;set Options-Flag
int8_counter dw 0
@@ -1009,16 +1110,33 @@ code_table:
dw offset(s3_clock)
dw offset(alt_vga_clock)
+ db 'e',0,offset(CLO_Enable)-offset(CLO_Enable)
+ db 'd',0,offset(CLO_Disable)-offset(CLO_Enable)
+ db 'v',0,offset(CLO_VgaCard)-offset(CLO_Disable)
+ db 'u',0,offset(CLO_UnInstall)-offset(CLO_VgaCard)
+ db 'p',0,offset(CLO_Probe)-offset(CLO_UnInstall)
+ db 'alf',0,offset(CLO_MaxLineFreq)-offset(CLO_Probe)
+ db 'ilf',0,offset(CLO_MinLineFreq)-offset(CLO_MaxLineFreq)
+ db 'ar',0,offset(CLO_MaxRefresh)-offset(CLO_MinLineFreq)
+ db 'ir',0,offset(CLO_MinRefresh)-offset(CLO_MaxRefresh)
+ db 'al',0,offset(CLO_MaxLines)-offset(CLO_MinRefresh)
+ db 'il',0,offset(CLO_MinLines)-offset(CLO_MaxLines)
+ db 0
c_r db 'VGA600 ver 0.6 Beta Copyright (C) Michael Niedermayer 1997',cr,lf,'$'
-u_c db 'VGA600 /vga_card <options>|/U|/E|/D',cr,lf
- db ' vga_card: 0=VGA 1=ET4000 2=S3(untested)',cr,lf
- db ' options: /ALF=x (Max_LineFreq) default=0',cr,lf
- db ' /ILF=x (Min_LineFreq) default=28',cr,lf
- db ' /AR=x (Max_Refresh) default=70',cr,lf
- db ' /IR=x (Min_Refresh) default=60',cr,lf
- db ' /AL=x (Max_Lines) default=480',cr,lf
- db ' /IL=x (Min_Lines) default=300',cr,lf
- db 'ex: VGA600 /1 /ALF=72 /AL=1023 /AR=90',cr,lf,'$'
+u_c db 'VGA600 <options>|/U|/E|/D|/P',cr,lf
+ db ' options: /V n (VgaCard) 0=VGA 1=ET4000 2=S3(untested)',cr,lf
+ db ' /ALF n (MaxLineFreq) default=0',cr,lf
+ db ' /ILF n (MinLineFreq) default=28',cr,lf
+ db ' /AR n (MaxRefresh) default=70',cr,lf
+ db ' /IR n (MinRefresh) default=60',cr,lf
+ db ' /AL n (MaxLines) default=480',cr,lf
+ db ' /IL n (MinLines) default=300',cr,lf
+ db ' /E (Enable)',cr,lf
+ db ' /D (Disable)',cr,lf
+ db ' /P (Probe for PixelClocks)',cr,lf
+ db 'ex: VGA600 /V1 /ALF72 /AL1023 /AR90',cr,lf,'$'
n_i db 'VGA600 is not installed!',cr,lf,'$'
n_u db 'VGA600 is not unloadable!',cr,lf,'$'
m_e db 'Mem allocating error!',cr,lf,'$'
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