[MN-dev] [mndiff]: r70 - in trunk/vga600: . vga600.asm
subversion at mplayerhq.hu
Fri Jul 6 00:49:44 CEST 2007
Author: michael
Date: Fri Jul 6 00:49:43 2007
New Revision: 70
vga600 program from 1997-02-10 17:02 (this is the oldest version i found in my mess)
Added: trunk/vga600/vga600.asm
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/vga600/vga600.asm Fri Jul 6 00:49:43 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,869 @@
+;350 text ???VDEE =57h
+;VGA600 ver 0.5 Copyright (C) Michael Niedermayer 1997
+; 0.1 initial ver (never released)
+; 0.2 added 240-line modes and ET4000-clock (never released)
+; 0.3 added 350/400-line modes and S3-clock(untested) (never released)
+; 0.4 added more inteligent activation (never released)
+; 0.5 added clock probeing
+; et4000 clock divide /2 /4
+; mode recorrection WINDOZE 95 SUCKS
+; Loader rewriten
+cr equ 0ah
+lf equ 0dh
+paras equ (end10h-int10h)/16+1
+paras_all equ (end_all-start+100h)/16+1
+words equ (end10h-int10h)/2+5
+SC_INDEX equ 03c4h
+CRTC_INDEX equ 03d4h
+MISC_OUTPUT equ 03c2h
+MISC_INPUT equ 03cch
+patch_size equ patch_code_end-patch_code
+delay equ 6
+delay2 equ 12
+segment code
+org 100h
+assume cs:code, ds:code, es:code, ss:code
+jmp install
+mcb_name db 'VGA600 '
+ cmp ax,020FFh
+ jne exit_10
+ mov ax,00600h
+ mov bx,cs
+ iret
+ push ax
+ cmp ax,04F02h
+ je mode_set
+ test ah,ah
+ jnz no_mode_set ;only mode set
+ and al,7Fh
+ cmp al,013h
+ je x_mode_set ;only 320x200 (x-modes)
+ mov [BYTE cs:temp-int10h],1
+ mov [BYTE cs:counter-int10h],delay or 11000000b
+ pop ax
+ pushf
+ db 09Ah
+old_int10h dd 0
+ pushf
+ shr [BYTE cs:temp-int10h],1
+ jnc no_check_set
+ call check_set
+ and [BYTE cs:counter-int10h],00111111b
+ popf
+retf 2
+ dec [BYTE cs:counter-int10h]
+ jns decr
+ inc [BYTE cs:counter-int10h]
+ jnz exit_8
+ mov [BYTE cs:counter-int10h],delay2
+ call check_set
+db 0eah
+old_int8h dd 0
+push ds
+ push cs
+ pop ds
+ mov dx,CRTC_INDEX
+ mov al,9
+ out dx,al
+ inc dx
+ in al,dx
+ dec dx
+ and al,11100111b ;TEXT (25/50)
+ mov cl,al
+ jns no_cga
+ mov ah,al
+ add al,al ;shl al,1
+ inc ax
+ and ax,0110000000011111b
+ or al,ah
+ xchg ax,bx ;bl=al
+ mov al,12h
+ out dx,al
+ inc dx
+ in al,dx
+ dec dx
+ mov bh,al
+ mov ch,al
+ cld
+ mov si,offset(CRTParms)-int10h-9
+ add si,9
+ lodsw
+ cmp ax,bx
+ je patch
+ test ax,ax
+jnz check_loop
+ mov si,offset(TextParms)-int10h-7
+ add si,9
+ lodsw
+ cmp ax,cx
+ je patch2
+ test ax,ax
+jnz check_loop2
+pop ds
+ dec si
+ dec si
+ mov al,11h
+ out dx,al
+ inc dx
+ in al,dx
+ and al,7fh
+ out dx,al
+ dec dx
+ mov cx,8
+ lodsb
+ mov ah,al
+ mov bx,cx
+ mov al,[bx+where-int10h-1]
+ cmp al,9 ;MSL (GRRR TEXT 50lines)
+ jne no_texti
+ out dx,al
+ inc dx
+ in al,dx
+ dec dx
+ and al,00001000b
+ or ah,al
+ mov al,9
+ out dx,ax
+ loop SetCRT
+ lodsb
+ xchg ax,bx
+ mov ah,bl ;ah=bl=clock
+ shl ah,2
+ mov dl,LOW(MISC_INPUT) ;dh=3!
+ in al,dx ;al=MiscOutput
+ mov dl,LOW(MISC_OUTPUT) ;dh=3!
+ and ax,0000110011110011b
+ or al,ah
+ out dx,al ;0-1
+ mov dl,0bfh ;!dh=3
+ mov al,3
+ out dx,al
+ mov dl,0d8h ;!dh=3
+ mov al,0a0h
+ out dx,al ;enable ET4000 ext.
+ mov dl,LOW(CRTC_INDEX) ;!dh=3
+ mov al,34h
+ out dx,al
+ inc dx
+ in al,dx
+ mov ah,bl
+ shr ah,1
+ and ax,0000001011111101b
+ or al,ah
+ out dx,al ;2
+ dec dx
+ mov al,31h
+ out dx,al
+ inc dx
+ in al,dx
+ mov ah,bl
+ shl ah,3
+ and ax,1100000000111111b
+ or al,ah
+ out dx,al ;3-4
+ mov dl,LOW(SC_INDEX)
+ mov al,7h
+ out dx,al
+ inc dx
+ in al,dx
+ mov bh,bl
+ and bx,0100000000100000b
+ shl bl,1
+ shr bh,6
+ or bl,bh
+ and al,10111110b
+ or al,bl
+ out dx,al ;5/6 *double/quad*
+ dec dx
+ mov al,6h
+ out dx,al
+ inc dx
+ in al,dx
+ out dx,al ;ET4000 SUCKs
+pop ds
+ db 016h ;VBE
+ db 015h ;VBS
+ db 011h ;VSE / Protect
+ db 010h ;VSS
+ db 007h ;OF
+ db 006h ;VT
+ db 012h ;VDEE
+ db 009h ;MSL
+d1 db 041h ;MSL=41 (?x200 double->triple)
+ db 08fh ;VDEE=399
+ db 062h ;MSL
+ db 057h ;VDEE
+ db 087h ;VT
+ db 0f0h ;OF
+ db 064h ;VSS
+ db 086h ;VSE / Protect
+ db 05eh ;VBS
+ db 079h ;VBE
+c1 db 01h ;Clock=1
+d2 db 041h ;MSL=41 (?x200 double->quad)
+ db 08fh ;VDEE=399
+ db 063h ;MSL
+ db 01fh ;VDEE
+ db 04fh ;VT
+ db 0ffh ;OF
+ db 02Ch ;VSS
+ db 08eh ;VSE / Protect
+ db 026h ;VBS
+ db 03fh ;VBE
+c2 db 01h ;Clock=1
+d3 db 041h ;MSL=41 (?x240 double->triple)
+ db 0dfh ;VDEE=479
+ db 062h ;MSL
+ db 0cfh ;VDEE
+ db 0ffh ;VT
+ db 0f0h ;OF
+ db 0dch ;VSS
+ db 08eh ;VSE / Protect
+ db 0d6h ;VBS
+ db 0efh ;VBE
+c3 db 01h ;Clock=1
+d4 db 041h ;MSL=41 (?x240 double->quad)
+ db 0dfh ;VDEE=479
+ db 063h ;MSL
+ db 0bfh ;VDEE
+ db 0efh ;VT
+ db 0ffh ;OF
+ db 0cch ;VSS
+ db 08eh ;VSE / Protect
+ db 0c6h ;VBS
+ db 0dfh ;VBE
+c4 db 01h ;Clock=1
+d5 db 040h ;MSL=40 (?x350 single->double)
+ db 05dh ;VDEE=349
+ db 061h ;MSL
+ db 0bbh ;VDEE
+ db 0ebh ;VT
+ db 0f0h ;OF
+ db 0c8h ;VSS
+ db 08ah ;VSE / Protect
+ db 0c2h ;VBS
+ db 0d6h ;VBE
+c5 db 01h ;Clock=1
+d6 db 040h ;MSL=41 (?x400 single->double)
+ db 08fh ;VDEE=399
+ db 061h ;MSL
+ db 01fh ;VDEE
+ db 04fh ;VT
+ db 0ffh ;OF
+ db 02Ch ;VSS
+ db 08eh ;VSE / Protect
+ db 026h ;VBS
+ db 03fh ;VBE
+c6 db 01h ;Clock=1
+d7 db 040h ;MSL=40 (?x480 single->double)
+ db 0dfh ;VDEE=479
+ db 061h ;MSL
+ db 0bfh ;VDEE
+ db 0efh ;VT
+ db 0ffh ;OF
+ db 0cch ;VSS
+ db 08eh ;VSE / Protect
+ db 0c6h ;VBS
+ db 0dfh ;VBE
+c7 db 01h ;Clock=1
+d8 db 047h ;MSL=40 TEXT (?x350 single->double)
+ db 05dh ;VDEE=349
+ db 0e7h ;MSL
+ db 0bbh ;VDEE
+ db 0ebh ;VT
+ db 0f0h ;OF
+ db 0c8h ;VSS
+ db 08ah ;VSE / Protect
+ db 0c2h ;VBS
+ db 0d6h ;VBE
+c8 db 01h ;Clock=1
+d9 db 047h ;MSL=47 TEXT (?x400 single->double)
+ db 08fh ;VDEE=399
+ db 0e7h ;MSL
+ db 01fh ;VDEE
+ db 04fh ;VT
+ db 0ffh ;OF
+ db 02Ch ;VSS
+ db 08eh ;VSE / Protect
+ db 026h ;VBS
+ db 03fh ;VBE
+c9 db 01h ;Clock=1
+da db 047h ;MSL=47 TEXT (?x480 single->double)
+ db 0dfh ;VDEE=479
+ db 0e7h ;MSL
+ db 0bfh ;VDEE
+ db 0efh ;VT
+ db 0ffh ;OF
+ db 0cch ;VSS
+ db 08eh ;VSE / Protect
+ db 0c6h ;VBS
+ db 0dfh ;VBE
+ca db 01h ;Clock=1
+end_pos dd 0
+counter db delay2
+temp db 0
+ cld
+ mov dx,offset(c_r)
+ call wstring
+ mov si,80h
+ mov ch,0
+ mov cl,[si]
+ inc si
+ or cx,cx
+ jz unk_command
+ lodsb
+ cmp al,'\'
+ jne check_ok
+ mov [WORD nopi],09090h
+ mov al,'/'
+ cmp al,'/'
+loopne commands
+ je nunk_command
+ mov dx,offset(u_c)
+ call wstring
+ int 20h
+ lodsb
+ or al,00100000b ;conv to lower-case
+ cmp al,'u'
+ jne nunload
+ jmp unload
+ cmp al,'e'
+ jne nenable
+ mov [BYTE check_set],060h
+ jmp enable_disable
+ cmp al,'d'
+ jne ndisable
+ mov [BYTE check_set],0C3h
+ jmp enable_disable
+ cmp al,33h
+ ja unk_command
+ sub al,30h
+ jb unk_command
+ push si
+ mov ah,0
+ xchg ax,bx
+ add bx,bx ;shl bx,1
+ add bx,offset(code_table)
+ mov si,[bx]
+ mov di,offset(patch_code)
+ mov cx,patch_size
+ rep movsb ;copy clock_code
+ pop si
+ mov di,offset CRTParms
+ xor bx,bx
+ mov dl,10
+ mov cx,3
+ inc si
+ lodsb
+ cmp al,' '
+ je no_num
+ cmp al,0dh
+ je no_num
+ cmp al,'-'
+ je no_num2
+ sub al,30h
+ jnb nunk_command2
+ jmp probe
+ jmp unk_command
+ cmp al,9h
+ ja probe2
+ xchg ax,bx
+ mul dl
+ xchg ax,bx
+ add bl,al
+ loop loop_dez
+ inc si
+ mov [WORD di],-1
+ dec si
+ mov [di+10],bl
+ add di,11
+ cmp [WORD di],0
+jne next_parm
+ call chk_600
+ jne nalready_installed
+ mov dx,offset(p_a)
+ call wstring
+ mov es,bx
+ cli
+ mov di,offset(patch_code)-int10h
+ mov si,offset(patch_code)
+ mov cx,patch_size
+ rep movsb
+ mov di,offset(CRTParms)-int10h
+ mov si,offset(CRTParms)
+ mov cx,offset(end_pos)-offset(CRTParms)
+ rep movsb
+ mov ax,[offset(nopi)]
+ mov [es:nopi-int10h],ax
+ int 20h
+ call chk_600
+ je nnot_inst
+ jmp not_inst
+ mov dx,offset(p_a)
+ call wstring
+ mov es,bx
+ mov al,[offset(check_set)]
+ mov [es:check_set-int10h],al
+ int 20h
+ mov ax,3510h
+ int 21h ;get old int 10
+ mov [offset(old_int10h)],bx
+ mov [offset(old_int10h)+2],es
+ mov ax,3508h
+ int 21h ;get old int 8
+ mov [offset(old_int8h)],bx
+ mov [offset(old_int8h)+2],es
+ mov sp,offset end_all+0FEh
+ push cs
+ pop es
+ mov ah,04Ah
+ mov bx,paras_all+010h
+ int 21h ;resize us
+ jc mem_error
+ mov ah,048h ;!BX=paras_all+10h
+ int 21h ;allocate mem for copy
+ jc mem_error
+ mov es,ax
+ mov cx,offset end_all+0100h
+ xor di,di
+ xor si,si
+ rep movsb ;copy IT
+ push es
+ push offset cool_jmp
+ retf ;mov cs,es
+cool_jmp: ;
+ push cs
+ pop ss ;and the stack
+ mov ax,ds
+ cmp [016h],ax
+ jne ok2
+ mov [es:016h],es
+ cmp [034h+2],ax
+ jne ok3
+ mov [es:034h+2],es
+ mov ah,50h
+ mov bx,cs
+ int 21h ;set addr of PSP
+ push ds
+ pop es
+ mov ah,49h
+ int 21h ;get rid of the old shit
+ mov ax,cs
+ mov ds,ax
+ dec ax
+ mov es,ax
+ mov [es:1],ds ;set seg to itself
+ mov es,[2ch] ;es=env-seg
+ mov bx,paras
+ mov ah,4ah
+ int 21h ;resize env
+ cmp bx,paras
+ je nmem_error
+ mov dx,offset(m_e)
+ call wstring
+ jmp exit_load
+ mov ax,es
+ dec ax
+ mov es,ax ;mcb of env-seg
+ inc ax
+ mov [es:1],ax ;set seg to itself
+ mov di,8
+ mov si,offset(mcb_name)
+ mov cx,words
+ rep movsw ;copy name & prog to mcb & mem
+ mov ds,ax
+ xor dx,dx
+ mov ax,2510h
+ int 21h ;set new int 10
+ mov dx,int8h-int10h
+ mov ax,2508h
+ int 21h ;set new int 8
+ push cs
+ pop es
+ mov ah,49h
+ int 21h
+mov ah,04ch
+int 21h ;get out (cool TSR)
+ call chk_600
+ je nnot_installed
+ mov dx,offset(n_i)
+ call wstring
+ int 20h
+ push bx
+ mov ax,3510h
+ int 21h ;get int 10
+ pop bx
+ push bx
+ mov ax,es
+ cmp ax,bx
+ jne not_unload
+ mov ax,3508h
+ int 21h ;get int 8
+ pop bx
+ mov ax,es
+ cmp ax,bx
+ jne not_unload
+ mov dx,[es:offset(old_int10h)-int10h]
+ mov ds,[es:offset(old_int10h)-int10h+2]
+ mov ax,2510h
+ int 21h ;set old int 10
+ mov dx,[es:offset(old_int8h)-int10h]
+ mov ds,[es:offset(old_int8h)-int10h+2]
+ mov ax,2508h
+ int 21h ;set old int 8
+ mov ah,49h
+ int 21h ;free mem
+int 20h
+ mov dx,offset(n_u)
+ call wstring
+int 20h
+ call chk_600
+ jne nprobeerror
+ mov dx,offset(p_e)
+ call wstring
+; int 20h
+ mov ax,0013h
+ int 10h
+ mov ax,3508h
+ int 21h ;get old int 8
+ mov [offset(old_int8xh)],bx
+ mov [offset(old_int8xh)+2],es
+ mov dx,offset(int8_probe)
+ mov ax,2508h
+ int 21h ;set new int 8
+ xor di,di
+ mov si,offset clock_buf
+ mov ax,di
+ call patch_code2
+ mov [WORD int8_counter],-1
+ cmp [WORD int8_counter],0
+ js syncint8
+ call waitvret
+ xor cx,cx
+ call waitvret
+ inc cx
+ cmp [WORD int8_counter],18
+ jb wait_loop
+ shl cx,6 ;mul cx,64
+ xchg ax,cx
+ mov cl,179
+ div cl
+ mov [si],al
+ inc si
+ inc di
+ cmp di,32
+ jb probe_loop
+ mov ax,0003h
+ int 10h
+ mov si,offset clock_buf
+ mov cx,32
+ test cl,111b
+ jnz no_crlf
+ mov dx,offset crlf
+ call wstring
+ mov ah,0
+ mov al,[si]
+ inc si
+ call wdez
+ mov dx,offset Mhz
+ call wstring
+ loop print_loop
+ mov dx,[offset(old_int8xh)]
+ mov ds,[offset(old_int8xh)+2]
+ mov ax,2508h
+ int 21h ;set old int 8
+int 20h
+ pusha
+ mov dx,03dah
+ in al,dx
+ mov cl,1000b
+ and al,cl
+ loope waitsvret
+ in al,dx
+ mov cl,1000b
+ and al,cl
+ loopne waitevret
+ popa
+ inc [WORD cs:int8_counter]
+db 0eah
+old_int8xh dd 0
+ mov ah,09h
+ int 21h
+ pusha
+ mov di,ax
+ mov cx,5
+ mov si,10000
+ mov bx,10
+ xor dx,dx
+ div si
+ push dx
+ cmp cx,1
+ je nnope
+ cmp dx,di
+ je nope
+ xchg ax,dx
+ mov ah,2
+ add dl,30h
+ int 21h
+ xchg si,ax
+ xor dx,dx
+ div bx
+ xchg si,ax
+ pop ax
+loop dez_loop
+ popa
+ mov ax,020FFh
+ int 10h
+ cmp ax,00600h
+ and ax,0000110011110011b
+ or al,ah
+ out dx,al ;0-1
+pop ds
+ or al,00001100b ;set std_clock to 3
+ out dx,al
+ mov dl,LOW(CRTC_INDEX) ;!dh=3
+ mov al,38h ;unlock registers
+ out dx,al
+ inc dx
+ mov al,48h
+ out dx,al
+ dec dx
+ mov al,39h
+ out dx,al
+ inc dx
+ mov al,0A5h
+ out dx,al
+ dec dx
+ mov al,42h
+ out dx,al
+ inc dx
+ in al,dx
+ and al,11110000b
+ and bl,00001111b
+ or al,bl
+ out dx,al
+ pop ds
+ popa
+ and ax,0001110011100011b
+ or al,ah
+ out dx,al ;0-2
+ pop ds
+ popa
+int8_counter dw 0
+clock_buf db 32 dup (0)
+ dw offset(vga_clock)
+ dw offset(et4000_clock)
+ dw offset(s3_clock)
+ dw offset(alt_vga_clock)
+c_r db 'VGA600 ver 0.5 Copyright (C) Michael Niedermayer 1997',cr,lf,'$'
+u_c db 'VGA600 (/|\)vga_card c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 ca|/U|/E|/D',cr,lf
+ db ' vga_card: 0=VGA 1=ET4000 2=S3(untested)',cr,lf
+ db ' c1: G ?x200(400)->(600) DOT-clock | - if disabled',cr,lf
+ db ' c2: G ?x200(400)->(800) DOT-clock | - if disabled',cr,lf
+ db ' c3: G ?x240(480)->(720) DOT-clock | - if disabled',cr,lf
+ db ' c4: G ?x240(480)->(960) DOT-clock | - if disabled',cr,lf
+ db ' c5: G ?x350(350)->(700) DOT-clock | - if disabled',cr,lf
+ db ' c6: G ?x400(400)->(800) DOT-clock | - if disabled',cr,lf
+ db ' c7: G ?x480(480)->(960) DOT-clock | - if disabled',cr,lf
+ db ' c8: T ?x350(350)->(700) DOT-clock | - if disabled',cr,lf
+ db ' c9: T ?x400(400)->(800) DOT-clock | - if disabled',cr,lf
+ db ' ca: T ?x480(480)->(960) DOT-clock | - if disabled',cr,lf
+ db 'ex: VGA600 /1 2 - 4 - 5 6 6 - - -',cr,lf,'$'
+n_i db 'VGA600 is not installed!',cr,lf,'$'
+n_u db 'VGA600 is not unloadable!',cr,lf,'$'
+m_e db 'Mem allocating error!',cr,lf,'$'
+p_a db 'Passing arguments to TSR!',cr,lf,'$'
+p_e db 'Uninstall VGA600 first!',cr,lf,'$'
+Mhz db 'Mhz $'
+crlf db cr,lf,'$'
+end start
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