[MEncoder-users] Trying to fully understand de-interlacing.

Peter pscientist at inbox.com
Tue Jun 29 06:48:13 CEST 2010

Grozdan wrote:
> It's not a compression. Interlacing is a trick used to reduce
> bandwidth in the old days as at that time, bandwidth was very limited.
> So if you "split" the image in two (odd and even) and first send the
> odd (or even) filed then the even (or odd) field, it will use less
> bandwidth compared to sending the whole image at once

You're taking me too literally! When I said "a form of" I meant that it achieved
the same results: halving the bandwidth, while delivering data that had a
perceived quality which is better than half. (Trust me, I know very well how it
works, LOL!)

> No, pp=ci will just deinterlace at normal frame rate so you'll get a
> progressive image running at 29.970fps

Oh, that's no good then.

> if you want to create 60p (with an fps of 59.940) you have to use a
> bobber like yadif=1 (and at your option combine it with mcdeint)

Right, thanks.

> parity=0 is tff while 1 is bff
> qp is for motion vector fields and how "smooth" they are at expense of
> individual vectors. Most people use a value of 10
> Whether you'll see a (big?) difference between using yadif only and
> yadif combined with mcdeint is up for discussion and depends on person
> and content. A lot of people don't bother with mcdeint, either because
> it's too slow or they can't see the difference between yadif only and
> yadif + mcdeint

I think I want to use mcdeint. I will try various yadif/mcdeint suggestions from
this list and google searches, to see what seems best.


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