[MEncoder-users] What's wrong with this script (encoding x264 in mkv-container)

Al Bogner mencoder at ml082.pinguin.uni.cc
Sun Mar 22 21:10:16 CET 2009

If I replace *.mpg with 1 existing filename, the script works. What do I have 
to do to encode a few mpg-files to 1 mkv-file? Any improvement of the options 
are welcome of course!


mencoder *.mpg -aspect 16/9 -vf yadif=0,softskip,harddup -nosound -ovc x264 -
bitrate=3500:subq=5:bframes=3:b_pyramid:weight_b:turbo=1:threads=auto:pass=1 -
of rawvideo -o /dev/null

mencoder *.mpg -aspect 16/9 -vf yadif=0,softskip,harddup -nosound -ovc x264 -
-of rawvideo -o movie.264

mencoder *.mpg -of rawaudio -oac mp3lame -lameopts preset=standard -ovc copy -
o movie.mp3

mkvmerge -o movie.mkv movie.264  movie.mp3

rm movie.mp3
rm movie.264
rm divx2pass.log


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