[MEncoder-users] Output framerate and quality perception

Mark Williams mwp at mwp.id.au
Mon Mar 16 02:23:49 CET 2009

Theory sounds correct to me...

If you cant notice the loss in frame rate in high motion scenes (like
action scenes), then it does sound like a good idea.

On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 8:24 AM, Stjepan Brbot
<stjepan.brbot at zg.t-com.hr> wrote:
> Hi all,
> recently I started to transcode my older movies (DIVX/XVID in AVI) into
> x264 for my Nokia E71 mobile phone (320x240) supporting x264/faac.
> Usually I use 64kbps for audio and 256kbps for video bitrates. This
> compresses usual 700MB movie into 150-200MB. My Nokia can reproduce
> movies with framerates up to 30 fps and that's quite enough for all my
> movies which have 24 or 25 fps. But I'm curious about one thing.
> If I set -ofps 15 to lower framerate will I actually increase the
> perception of movie quality? This way 256kbps video bitrate is used for
> 15 frames instead e.g. 25 frames causing more bits for each particular
> frame resulting in better separate frame quality. Lower framerate maybe
> will not result in lower perception of motion in movies on mobile phone
> since LCD latency of mobile phone screen is not comparable to these of
> LCD monitors (I think). Is this wrong thinking?
> Stjepan
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