[MEncoder-users] Converting H.264-AVC 1920 X 1080 to mpeg-2

L Lee llee040 at sbcglobal.net
Thu Feb 19 01:48:35 CET 2009

On 2/18/09 3:09 PM, "Christian Ebert" <blacktrash at gmx.net> wrote:

> You can also use qttoy4m of mjpegtools. You should have that
> already as you are referring to mplex later.

To my surprise, I was able to compile and install mjpegtools.

$ qttoy4m

++ WARN: [qttoy4m] usage: [-r rate] [-a sar] [-i t|b|p] [-t vtrack] [-T
atrack] [-A audiofile] input.mov > output.y4m

++ WARN: [qttoy4m]     Decode specified video track to YUV4MPEG2 on stdout
(-1 disables video output)

++ WARN: [qttoy4m]     Extract specified audio track to 'audiofile'

I don't seem to be able to find an example of its use that would let me
construct the same sort of pipe I used with movtoy4m. If I just feed it the
mp4 video file, the terminal window quickly fills with "Skipping corrupted
frame" and never gets further. Could you provide one (command example, not
corrupted frame)?

"movtoy4m -w 1920 -h 1080 -F 30000:1001 -a 16:9 -f inputfile.mp4 | mencoder
-nosound -cache 8192 -oac lavc -ovc lavc -lavcopts
:dc=10:keyint=15:vstrict=0:aspect=16/9 -vf
:0.97:1,hqdn3d=4:3:4,harddup -of mpeg -mpegopts format=dvd:tsaf -fps
30000/1001 -ofps 24000/1001 -o outputfile.mpg -"


Laine Lee

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