[MEncoder-users] Mencoder produces jerky with textual fades out

Laine Lee llee040 at sbcglobal.net
Tue Dec 15 22:50:51 CET 2009

On 12/4/09 4:18 PM, "Guillaume LACHAUD" <guilo19 at free.fr> wrote:

> I have tried -mc 0 -noskip; It works : my output file doesn't seem to
> hang. But althought the source file starts after 2 sec of black screen,
> this one strats instantly so I have A/V desync.

If sync is wrong simply because of incorrect offsets (that is, if sync error
doesn't decrease or diminish as playback progresses), then, if there's no
xvid equavalent for mpegopts' adelay or vdelay, maybe you can copy with
ffmpeg's "-itsoffset".

Laine Lee

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