[MEncoder-users] creating a video of various resolution images

Rainer Mager rvm at gol.com
Tue Aug 18 06:13:05 CEST 2009

I’m trying to use mencoder to create a video of varying resolution images (JPEGs). I’d like the images scaled by preserving their aspect ratio, and positioned in the resulting frame at some known location (probably the lower-right, buy centered is ok too).

I’m currently using this, but the scaling isn’t working right:

>mencoder mf://*.jpg -mf fps=6:type=jpg -of avi -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=wmv2:vqscale=20:trell:cbp -nosound -o video.avi -vf scale=0:0,scale=784:-2:noup=1,scale=-2:56:noup=1,dsize=784:56:2

Note that the target resolution is variable, that is, each time I do this it will be different (i.e., not always 784 x 56). I’m ok with detecting and using the resolution of the first image in the set of images if that’s easiest.

Any help would be appreciated.


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