[MEncoder-users] Audio LAVC Error; Red Hat

JGiotta at mediageneral.com JGiotta at mediageneral.com
Tue Mar 25 18:30:56 CET 2008

I believe I've installed Mplayer/Mencoder correctly, however when I try
to run


mencoder family_guy_informercial.wmv -o family_guy_informercial.flv -of
lavf -ovc lavc -oac lavc -lavcopts
=56 -vf scale=320:240 -srate 22050 -af lavcresample=22050


mencoder exits with the follow message:

Audio LAVC, couldn't find encoder for codec mp3.


I've got both lame and essential codecs configured. So, where does Audio
LAVC come in?


John D Giotta

Product Engineering & Technology

Media General, Inc.

Tel: (804) 649 - 6549

IM: imd jgiotta


"High-Five to those who actually read this"


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