[MEncoder-users] trying to convert dvd to tiny mp3/video player?

John Brown johnbrown105 at hotmail.com
Tue Jan 22 12:47:39 CET 2008

Brian Trauger <trauger <at> gmail.com> writes:

> I bought a Sansa e250 ...  Screen size is 220x176... 
> The result is not scaled as needed. 
> my edited  batch file:
> mencoder.exe dvd://1 dvddevice=d: -msglevel mencoder=1 -of mpeg -oac lavc
> -lavcopts acodec=mp3:abitrate=128 -af resample=44100:0:0 -ovc lavc -ofps 25
> -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg2video:vbitrate=300:keyint=60 -vf scale -zoom -xy 220
> -o dvd.sansa.mpg
> the result of a ripped file played by mplayer:
> MPEG-PS file format detected.
> VIDEO:  MPEG2  720x480  (aspect 1)  25.000 fps    0.0 kbps ( 0.0 kbyte/s)
> ==========================================================================

Instead of '-vf scale -zoom -xy 220', try '-vf scale=220:-2'.

For testing you could add -ss 5:00 -endpos 10 to take 10 seconds of the
DVD starting at 5:00. See the Mlayer manual for details.

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