[MEncoder-users] Performance on multi core machines - a specific enquiry re avisynth mt input

RC cooleyr at gmail.com
Sat Sep 29 20:56:39 CEST 2007

On Sat, 29 Sep 2007 19:34:28 +0100
Michael Rozdoba <mroz at ukgateway.net> wrote:

> Maybe I need to ask the MEncoder devs, 

Reimar is one of the MEncoder devs...

> How is MPlayer involved?

Mencoder and MPlayer are 90%+ identical code, and the project for both
is called MPlayer...   

> Could you give me a sample MEncoder command line which takes an mp4 as
> input & performs a computation intensive (ie cpu heavy) transcode to 
> x264 say & which ought to run multithreaded on a quad core?

mencoder -nosound -ovc x264enc -x264encopts
pass=(1/2):turbo=2:threads=auto:bitrate=1000 (Input) -o (Output.avi)

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