[MEncoder-users] splitting mpegs

Ross Clement rossclement at gmail.com
Wed Sep 26 12:25:50 CEST 2007

On 9/25/07, Giacomo Comes <comes at naic.edu> wrote:

> That's not easy to do with mencoder.
> You can try the script encode2mpeglight in the TOOLS directory of
> the MPlayer source.
> encode2mpeglight -o <name> -encode 0:0:1 -dvd show.mpg -split <size im MB>
> It may take some time to process the 6GB file.
> Better test encode2mpeglight with a smaller file first
> (a 100MB source file to split in 40MB chunks for example).

I'm sure I am showing my ignorance here. But why can't the original poster
do a:

mencoder source.whatever -ovc copy -oac copy -ss 528(*) -frames 25000(*) -o

(*) Choosing start times and number of frames in order to get each chunk
being from the right time and length.

This would take a long while, and require some hand-calculation of start
times and frame numbers. But otherwise, it would work. Wouldn't it?

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