[MEncoder-users] SUB: Could not determine file format

Phil Oleynik oleynik.phil at mail.ioffe.ru
Wed Jun 6 17:26:31 CEST 2007

Florian Erfurth wrote:

>James Tripp wrote:
>>mplayer "/home/floh/temp/movie.avi" -vf scale=480:256,harddup -sws 9
>>-subfont-text-scale 4 -subfont-blur 1 -subfont-outline 1 -subcp cp1252
>>-vobsub "/home/floh/test/movie" -slang en -ao null -vo yuv4mpeg
>>mencoder stream.yuv -o /home/floh/temp/newmovie.avi -ovc xvid
>>-xvidencopts bitrate=768:vhq=1:max_bframes=0:cartoon -nosound
>It works fine! Thank you very much!
>Now I want to know if I'm right. Are those parameters not needed since
>vobsub is not a textbased subtitle (so I should remove this if using
>-subfont-text-scale 4   <- seems it doesn't affect to vobsub, where could I
>set size for subtitles from vobsub?
>-subfont-blur 1   <- Not sure if this has effect to vobsub.
>-subfont-outline 1 <- Not sure if this has effect to vobsub.
>-subcp cp1252   <- Image-based Subtitle doesn't use CodePage.
>harddup <- As far as I understand from manpage this option is only for
All correct. Vobsub subtitles cannot be scaled nor their text can be 
changed in codepage sense.

>Another question... the progress-bar of my application (avi2pmp) works fine
>with mencoder because avi2pmp greps the lines, containing string "Pos:",
>and then get the value between the brackets. Unfortunatelly there is no
>percentage-output from mplayer (mencoder does) so I don't know how avi2pmp
>could determine how far mplayer is. The output A: (for audio) and V: (fpr
>video) tells me the position of the movie in seconds. I could use this
>value in seconds, if I know how to determine the total length of the movie
>from mplayer. Tips?
You can add -identify option to mplayer, and then you will get some info 
about the movie. Total length, also. This may require some extra 
programming in your script though.


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