[MEncoder-users] mplayer vs mencoder -chapter recognition

GROG! (Jeff Howie) Uber.GROG at GMail.Com
Thu Nov 16 17:59:06 CET 2006

Hi all. I'm using mplayer/mencoder 1.0_rc1 on a gentoo x86.

I've got a problem trying to encode the chapters off of a dvd to play
on my handheld (a zaurus). While mplayer recognizes the chapters
properly, mencoder doesn't see the chapters at all.

For example:

    $ midentify dvd://1

and while:

    $ mplayer dvd://1 -chapter 3

will correctly play only chapter 3, while with:

    $ mencoder dvd://1 -chapter 3 -ovc lavc -lavcopts qpel:vhq=2 -vop
            -sws 2 -ofps 15 -oac mp3lame -lameopts vbr=3:br=64:mode=3
            -af volume=10:1 -o chapter-3.avi

the resulting avi contains all chapters with no chapter information,

    $ mplayer -chapter 3 chapter-3.avi

shows that the entire title 1 has been saved as one big chapter.

Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong? thks

GROG! MMM          Q: How many DEC repairmen does it take to fix
thks (o o)         a flat? A: Five; four to hold the car up and
--ooO-(_)-Ooo--    one to swap tires.

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