[MEncoder-users] Playing mencoder encoder movie in other players

Abu Zaher zaher14 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 19 04:50:01 CEST 2006

> > i have another movie file which is about 3.4GB (directly ripped from
> > dvd with 'dvd://1 -oac copy -ovc copy'  option) which plays fine with
> > mplayer but mplayer cannot seek that file.
> Yes, I've seen situations where the AVI muxer doesn't properly create
> the index.  Remux the AVI (-oac copy -ovc copy) with the "-forceidx"
> (or "-noidx") option, and it should fix the seeking problem.

I have already tested that option before I started this thread
that means -forceidx option doesn't work 4 me

> > not 2 mention the non-playablity of the file with other players.
> There's nothing that can be done about that.  The old AVI standard has a
> 2GB filesize limit, and ODML is the only standard way to exceed that.
> If players don't support ODML, they can't possibly handle AVI files
> larger than 2GBs.
> The only option, if you really need compatibility, is to split the large
> file into chunks smaller than 2GBs.  But in this case, that would be
> pointless, as very few players will accept MPEG-2 video in an AVI
> container.  And those players that will handle MPEG-2 AVIs (MPlayer,
> ffplay, VLC, Xine, avidemux2... Perhaps MPC?) have ODML support, anyhow.

These players u mentioned are very good indeed (i have used them all
and most of them can play the file without any problem) but i would
like some more conventional players to play the files like windows
media player because the others who will share the files with me
aren't familiar with these players

Anyways, I realized that mpeg container is better for me in this case,
so i stream dumped the dvd:

mplayer dvd://1 −dumpstream −dumpfile finding_nemo.vob

while this works fine(playable with power dvd), this also dumps the
whole stream that means i get unnecessary audio tracks (this dvd has 6
audio tracts but i need only one)

then i tried this:

mencoder dvd://1  -oac copy -ovc copy -of mpeg -o finding_nemo.mpg

but as this one is an progessive ntsc dvd i get tons of duplicate frames

now when i try this
mencoder dvd://1  -oac copy -ovc copy -of mpeg -o finding_nemo.mpg
-ofps 24000/1001

then the av-sync breaks.

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