[MEncoder-users] sync problem with -oac faac

Victor Condino un1tz3r0 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 28 02:06:24 CET 2006

okay, sorry if this is a repost, but i accidentally posted this
previously from my girlfriend's gmail (damn browser cookies :)

i've recently decided to switch from xvid/lame to x264/faac for higher
quality, now that i can get mplayer to build (from cvs) with x264
(from svn) support.

x264 encodes AVC *beautifully*... and at bitrates where xvid/divx
would be artifacting much worse... my main issue after doing a few
test encodes is with faac... it seems that when using -oac faac the
audio leads by several seconds (!)... not sure if sync drifts yet, so
a possible workaround might be manually determining an offset and
encoding with it, but still... i tried reencoding using x264 and -oac
mp3lame and sync was fine.

anyone else experienced this sync problem with faac? anone know of a solution?

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