[MEncoder-users] greetings & question about rm2mp3

Jirí Mothejzík mothejzik at email.cz
Sun Nov 28 13:28:56 CET 2004

Hallo, thank you for two advices.

The first one:
>            mkfifo sound.wav
>            mplayer -ao pcm -aofile sound.wav file.ra &
>            lame ... sound.wav sound.mp3
works in a way as it is, but it seems there's a problem with some 
synchronization or such... so I think better way would be the second one:
> To encode MP3 you should download and install the
> latest LAME source (configure LAME with the
> --disable-decoder option, else it might cause problems
> when compiling MPlayer):

It sounds good, because the command
> mencoder 02.rm -o 02.mp3 -novideo -oac mp3lame -lameopts preset=standard
reply with "mplayer wasn't compiled with libmp3lame support.

So I downloaded and compiled lame as you recommended, then I tried to 
recompile mplayer. But when I run configure, it still responds with 
"libmp3lame: no". I tried to explore make and there's something as 
"lame/lame.h" include, which can't work... so what I did wrong? :)
There's nothing about it in man pages (or maybe I'm searching for wrong 


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