[MEncoder-users] high quality avi; correct syntax

Adam Hemphill ahemphil at OSSM.EDU
Fri Dec 10 00:24:58 CET 2004

You get fairly good quality that way, however, if you have the disc space and your editing software supports it you may want to do mencoder -oac pcm instead of mp3lame since PCM is higher quality than mp3. Also, the distortion you are talking about is probably interlacing in the video. There is more info about that in the docs, I can't give much more of an explanation than that adding -vf pp=fd works for me when deinterlacing. Note that deinterlacing reduces the quality of the video in some ways. I can't really give much more of an explanation. Hope that helped.

>>> "ronnie escobedo" <tenminuteslater at hotmail.com> 12/09/04 01:14PM >>>
greetings ,

I am new to encoding video. I however have been using Mplayer for about 2 
years  now.

My problem:

I am ripping DVD video encoding it to an avi for editting in a windows 
platform uisng Sony's Movie Studio.

I ran into several roadblocks because the syntax I originally started using 
would create avi files that would work in any media player linux or windows 
but when placed in Movie Studio for editting no audio was present.
the syntax used:
mencoder -dvd-device /dev/hda dvd://1 -oac lavc -ovc lavc -lavcopts 
vcodec=mpeg4:vqscale=2:vhq:v4mv:trell:autoaspect -chapter 1-1 -o 01.avi

I experimented with several different settings and finally found a solution 
that works for me.
mencoder -dvd-device /dev/hda dvd://1 -oac mp3lame -lameopts 
br=256:cbr:mode=3 -ovc lavc -lavcopts 
vcodec=mpeg4:vqscale=2:vhq:v4mv:trell:autoaspect -ofps 29.97 -vf 
crop=692:464:14:8 -noskip -chapter 1-1 -o 01.avi

1. Is  this the best method for getting the hishest or best quality 

My terminology is not the best and I am quickly playing catch up. An issue I 
am currently experiening after encoding the avi files is that anytime there 
is movement such as hand movement or walking there seems to be some type of 
distortionaround the movement. This distortion only happens with movements  
and other than this the video quality is great.
Can someone please explain what this is and how I may fix it?

::ronnie :: :

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