[FFmpeg-user] Reordering frames in corrupt GoPro videos

Vincent Deconinck vdeconinck at gmail.com
Sat Jul 20 20:57:43 EEST 2024

On Fri, Jul 19, 2024 at 3:59 AM Mark Filipak <markfilipak.imdb at gmail.com>

> My bad. I assumed you knew more.

Oh, no-one should over-estimate my knowledge :-)

> Try this:
> ffprobe -flags2 +showall -sexagesimal -select_streams v -show_frames -of
> flat -dn -i
> in_bad_frame_order.mp4

ffprobe does not seem to support the dn option, but I removed it and
ignored the warnings for unrecognized tracks

> Under some circumstances (all circumstances?) FFmpeg silently drops
> initial frames until it
> encounters the first I-frame. That may be the case, and if it is, it would
> throw off your
> shuffleframes pattern. If that is indeed the case, you may need to add
> initial dummy frames by
> duplicating the first I-frame a number of times. You would need a
> -filter_complex.
> The first thing to do is see whether there are any dropped frames at the
> beginning of
> in_bad_frame_order.mp4.

I see
But I don't see any such dropped frames in the output.
I reformated the log for the 10 first frames in this spreadsheet:

Do you see anything weird with it ?

Thanks a lot for your help and time,


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