[FFmpeg-user] [Ffmpeg-user] Issue converting RTSP stream to HLS with partial audio on source

Carl Zwanzig cpz at tuunq.com
Tue Jul 9 19:44:00 EEST 2024

On 7/9/2024 3:53 AM, Rui Gabriel Nunes via ffmpeg-user wrote:

> For reference, this is the ffmpeg command we are using at the moment:
> ffmpeg -probesize 50000 -analyzeduration 50000 -rtsp_transport tcp  -i "rtsp://<DVR_URL>" -c:v copy -c:a aac -hls_flags append_list+split_by_time+omit_endlist -hls_segment_filename "<SEGMENT_FILENAME>_%03d.ts" -hls_time 1 -hls_list_size 0 "<PLAYLIST_FILENAME>.m3u8"
(command output missing)

>   We've tried -c:a with the appropriate codec instead of aac, but it produced no result.

Can you add another audio stream from a silent audio source mapped into 
an unused channel? Or if you're re-coding the audio anyway, mix a silent 
stream into one of the real output streams.


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