[FFmpeg-user] Multiple videos transformation

Ferdi Scholten ferdi at sttc-nlp.nl
Wed Jun 1 18:32:08 EEST 2022

Who are you ppl like I have something in my computer that allowed me to 
connect to this email chain are I hackers or a bussiness
> On May 31, 2022, at 2:55 PM, Ricardo Guedes Tatagiba <ricardogt_at_outlook_com_mc9c71c4p645qd_61265606 at icloud.com> wrote:
> Hi, thanks for the help in advance!
> I'm not sure if the support process would be like this, I found the forum and everything there a little confusing, I'm sorry if I did something wrong
> I was able to download a script to be able to modify the metadata and Hash of several video files in bulk, however, the code does not process all videos. Most he says he doesn't have a file or directory, however, they are all in the same folder, same directory and all in MP4.
> Attached is the code in bat file and an image of the error that I managed to capture
> Thanks
The bat file looks needlessly complex to me. Thinking it should also 
work like this

FOR %%G IN *.mp4 DO ffmpeg -i "%%G" -vf noise=alls=1:allf=t "%%~nG_1.mp4"


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