[FFmpeg-user] multiple flat videos in a equirectangular projection - v360 filter

Denis Połeć denis.polec at gmail.com
Sat Jul 16 12:21:57 EEST 2022

I wouldn't call myself a beginner, but I still need a little bit to become a pro. :) 
I have a question that might be easy to answer.

I am working on a script to bring multiple flat videos into a equirectangular projection by using v360 filter.
I have the problem that the edges of the input are very jagged. 

This did not lead to a good result when I play the equirectangular projection in a 360 player. I have also already tried different interpolation modes, which does not lead to a better result.
Does anyone have an idea how I can avoid that? Is there a better way to do this task?

Here is an example code with the result. The video in the example has a resolution of 1080p:

ffmpeg -i BRAIN.mp4 -lavfi "\
[0]drawbox=w=1:h=1:color=black,v360=input=flat:output=e:id_fov=45:w=5120:h=2560:yaw=0:pitch=-90:alpha_mask=1[fg14];[fg14][l]overlay" -q:v 4  -vframes 1 -y test11.jpg

https://nextcloud.denispolec.de/index.php/s/8yF7rKdnB9HdJsa <https://nextcloud.denispolec.de/index.php/s/8yF7rKdnB9HdJsa>
https://nextcloud.denispolec.de/index.php/s/fwdapyA8aGBdC2M <https://nextcloud.denispolec.de/index.php/s/fwdapyA8aGBdC2M>


All the best,

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