[FFmpeg-user] How do I create an ffmpeg command line?

Mark Filipak markfilipak.windows+ffmpeg at gmail.com
Sun Mar 1 12:30:24 EET 2020

On 03/01/2020 04:48 AM, Carl Eugen Hoyos wrote:
>> Am 01.03.2020 um 10:38 schrieb Mark Filipak <markfilipak.windows+ffmpeg at gmail.com>:
>> On 03/01/2020 04:27 AM, Carl Eugen Hoyos wrote:
>>>> Am 01.03.2020 um 08:12 schrieb Mark Filipak <markfilipak.windows+ffmpeg at gmail.com>:
>>>> I have been looking for months, on and off. Is there any place that shows how to form a working ffmpeg command line? I'm trying to figure out how to use a fieldmatch filter.
>>> It’s a good idea to show us what you tried and what went wrong so we can understand your problem.
>> I know you want that, Carl. I haven't gotten that far. I need to know how to form a proper command line before I can take the next step.
> Then please test the following (assuming your input is actually telecined, if it is not the command is slow and makes little sense. Remember that soft-telecined is progressive and not telecined from FFmpeg‘s point of view):

Not telecined from any point of view, Carl.

For soft-telecined video, I just want to remux to MKV. For NTSC 
hard-telecined sources, I want to detelecine (fieldmatch & decimate) to 
24p and then wrap the result in MKV.

> $ ffmpeg -i input -vf fieldmatch out.mov

I assume that '-vf' is the same as '-filter:v'? What about 'decimate'? 
Do I just do this?

'ffmpeg -i <infile> -vf fieldmatch decimate <outfile>

Again, I apologize for asking such seemingly primitive questions. I'm 
just getting so weary that I may not be thinking straight.

Is <outfile> always the last element in the line or is the <outfile> 
denoted by a '-option'?

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