[FFmpeg-user] newbie help - framerate

Carl Eugen Hoyos ceffmpeg at gmail.com
Sat Jun 27 02:48:53 EEST 2020

> Am 27.06.2020 um 00:14 schrieb Mark Foley <mfoley at novatec-inc.com>:
> I am trying for the first time to use ffmpeg. I have a collection of .jpg files
> starting at 000.jpg, numbered sequentially.
> On Windows 10 I've tried:
> ffmpeg.exe -start_number 000 -i %03d.jpg -r 1/6 mom.mp4
> This works (images displayed for 10 seconds), but only shows 3 of the 300+
> images. If I leave off the -r option it builds the .mp4 with all images, but
> they flash by as fast as possible.
> How do I get all images to show for 10 seconds?

Funny that the option name “-framerate” is part of your subject.

> Problem #2.
> The source .jpg images all vary in HxW size. How do I get them all to display
> with the same height regardless of width?

I believe you can only output one resolution but a shell script will help.

Carl Eugen

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