[FFmpeg-user] Stuck preparing to compile ffmpeg from git source

Mark Filipak markfilipak.windows+ffmpeg at gmail.com
Mon Apr 13 05:45:05 EEST 2020

On 04/12/2020 10:28 PM, ffmpeg-devel at TalkVideo.net wrote:
> Mark,
> I know I can help you with this.
> I have built FFMPEG zillions of times. Mostly on Slackware.
> What was said above about clang and msvc is true, and probably best.

I think MSVC is Microsoft Visual C. I don't have it. I'm unsure why I would need MSVC for a Linux 

> I do a YouTube Channel where I cover Tech Topics. I know for a fact
> I can get you UnStuck.
> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyoHzQ_ePBPct3qbB-J7dMQ
> If you can afford to set up a VM in AWS, then we can solve this.

I already run several VMs. I think AWS is Amazon Web Services. I block AWS and will have nothing to 
do with Amazon.

I do appreciate the offer. Perhaps someone will offer something that's not so life-changing and that 
I can accomplish on my own machine.


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