[FFmpeg-user] What is option -level ?

Ulf Zibis Ulf.Zibis at gmx.de
Fri Feb 15 01:28:48 EET 2019

Hi Jonathan,

thanks for your hints. Unfortunately they have been already  known to
me, but there still remain 2 questions from my side:
- The '+' with "-flags" arguments, I can imagine, it serves as
separator. But is that all, has '-' another meaning too? There is no
explanation on this at:
- How to determine, if global codec options (e.g. "-level") are valid
for audio, video or both.
Please note that the variables in my option set as a template are filled
with values from K9Copy before the command is propagated to bash.


Am 14.02.19 um 14:19 schrieb Jonathan Isom:
> Hi
> I was thinking part of the reason for confusion is the understanding of how
> command arguments work. I didn’t include all from earlier in the thread,
> but here are some. Most arguments are preceded ‘-‘.  ‘-vf’ then its
> options, the string including crop till it reaches the space after. Each
> option is separated by spaces. So ‘-pass’ further down is not an option of
> ‘-flag8s’. Some arguments don’t have options, but most of the ones you are
> looking at do.  There are a dreadful amount of arguments in those commands.
> The scale ‘-s’ and its option ‘$WIDTHxHEIGHT’. ‘-flags’ has options but
> ‘-pass’ is not part of it. Just the ‘+loop+mv4’ part. I don’t know if
> K3copy uses the bash shell to run the ffmpeg, but I suspect it does. If you
> set all the environment variables(starts with ‘$’ like $WIDTH) in bash or
> put in in a shell script, you can trial and error the ffmpeg command line.
> -b $VIDBRk
> -aspect $ASPECT
> -codec:v libx264
> -level 30
> -flags +loop+mv4
> ...
>  -pass $PASS
> -passlogfile $PASSLOGFILE
> Hope this is helpful.
> Jonathan

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