[FFmpeg-user] -c:v png

Carl Eugen Hoyos ceffmpeg at gmail.com
Mon Sep 24 16:39:16 EEST 2018

2018-09-24 11:14 GMT+02:00, Benoit LELOUTRE <lel at rtbf.be>:

> Can you suggest me a lossy codec with alpha channel?

prores comes to mind (it has several advantages over
transparency in vpx) but you should try hard if you cannot
reduce the bit-depth of your sample, that may lead to
better output.
In general: Please provide the command line you tested
together with the complete, uncut console output (that would
tell us if my suggestion makes sense), do not top-post here
and please remove the footer from emails sent to a public
mailing list.

Carl Eugen

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