[FFmpeg-user] Trouble using FFMPEG

Steve Boyer steveboyer85 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 6 21:13:03 EEST 2017

On Wed, Sep 6, 2017 at 12:56 PM, vitorlb . <vitorlinhabranco at gmail.com>

> Hello, my name is Vitor Branco, and I just recently started using ffmpeg.
> After some struggle (absolute newbe using code programs whatsoever) I
> managed to convert a video to a GIF sucessfully, but it is looping for
> ever, I wanted my gif to play only once. Is there any way to convert the
> new GIF file to a non-repeating GIF file?
> Check https://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-all.html#gif-2, "use -1 for no loop". so,

"ffmpeg -i input -loop -1 asdf.gif"

I'd be very pleased with a fast answer, cause my professional career is a
> little bit at stake, and this would help me to prevent this crisis! Thank
> you very much, all the best.
> Vitor Branco.


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