[FFmpeg-user] Canon C200 CRAW or .CRM

Gonzalo GarramuƱo ggarra13 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 24 18:41:56 EEST 2017

El 21/10/17 a las 14:42, Aaron Star escribiĆ³:
> Here is a sample of C200 Raw :  http://tbf.me/a/cPz6X
> I understand that FFMPEG does not encode EXR, but not sure why this is since its open source.  The other formats FFMPEG does support, and I am trying to stay away from the likes of DNxHR or Prores.
> What I am trying to get to is simple batch processing of RAW footage to EXR, so the material can be edited in the ACES color space.   Compression to be handled by the EXR format.
> Trying to stay out of integer intermediate formats, and keep all information from the source by dumping it into a linear FP format.
> If I knew how to code this I would.
> Thank you for your quick response.
FFMPEG is not the appropriate tool for this. You want to have a look at 
OpenImageIO (OIIO), which has exr savers and readers and craw readers.  
It comes with an utility to convert formats.
It was developed by Larry Gritz while at Sony Imageworks and it is an 
open source library.

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