[FFmpeg-user] TV recording bug

Henry Bremers hbremers at gmail.com
Sat Jun 11 00:23:17 CEST 2016

Ffmpeg is apparently not able to return from recording certain TV stations
after the time specified by -t. Instead, it just keeps reexamining the last
frame when the duration specified by -t is reached until the user finally
enters a "q". It fails every time on certain stations, but works every time
on all the others.

OS: Ubuntu 16.04 using the most recent version ffmpeg obtained with apt-get.

Stations tuned on /dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr0 record device with dvbv5-zap.
(Same problem on other adapters.)

example: 1st with station 'KDCO' Denver tuned always works fine.
                 2nd station 'GRIT' Denver always fails to terminate until
"q" <enter> is pressed. (ffmpeg_err5.log)
                 Both stations are on the same frequency 527000000.

ffmpeg -loglevel 40 -y -f lavfi -t '60' -i
movie='/dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr0':s=dv+da[out0+subcc][out1] -preset ultrafast
-strict -2 -c:a aac -b:v 1500K -b:a 128K test.mp4 -t '60' -map s test.srt
2>> ffmpeg_err5.log

Both these examples used the same above command line in Mate Terminal. I
have also written a C program that uses the system() command to call the
ffmpeg command line that hangs on certain stations like 'GRIT', which
unfortunately won't let my program proceed.

Any suggestions appreciated.

Henry Bremers
hbremers at gmail.com
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