[FFmpeg-user] MPEG TS output - muxing queue - max_interleave_delta
Carl Eugen Hoyos
cehoyos at ag.or.at
Wed Jul 23 12:47:06 CEST 2014
Matej <matej <at> tam.si> writes:
> /root/ffmpeg/ffmpeg -loglevel debug -rtbufsize 128000k
> -threads 0 -re -i "udp://... -re -i ""
> -vsync 0 -async 0 -codec copy -map 1:0,0:0
> -s 720x576 -q 10 -shortest -f
> mpegts udp://
Why are you using -vsync 0 -async 0?
(And why are you using network input
and output again after we agreed that
the problem is also reproducible with
files? I do understand that for you
this is a network issue, but in my
experience, problems that are
reproducible with files are much more
likely to be fixed.)
This may not work for -codec copy (I
don't know, as said, I don't think the
timestamp mapping of -map is tested
very often), in any case, please add
the second map option.
Carl Eugen
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