[FFmpeg-user] MJPEG: Deprecated pixel format warning

Tobias Rapp t.rapp at noa-audio.com
Fri Feb 21 14:09:39 CET 2014

I am converting HuffYuv AVI files into MJPEG using the following command:

$ ./ffmpeg -i ffmpeg-huffyuv.avi -codec:v mjpeg -an -y ffmpeg-mjpeg.avi

this shows the following warning message (see attachment for the full log):

[swscaler @ 00b78000] deprecated pixel format used, make sure you did set
range correctly

I tested to add "-color_range" with option value "0", "1" and "2" but this
does not make any difference. If I try to add "-pix_fmt yuv422p" an
additional warning is shown:

Incompatible pixel format 'yuv422p' for codec 'mjpeg', auto-selecting
format 'yuvj422p'

Is there anything I can do to fix the issue that causes the warning?

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