[FFmpeg-user] Pipe subtitles to ffmpeg exe

Sylvain sylvain at lahiette.com
Sun Dec 29 16:28:27 CET 2013

Thanks for your response.

So, if i undestand well, you recommand to create a mpeg-ts with only 1 subtitle stream in my application, then to remux it using the input pipe in the final command. Correct ?

I was not aware of the bug, i will look deeper into the code to see what is happening.

Regards, SF

Le dimanche 29 décembre 2013 12:46:37 Carl Eugen Hoyos a écrit :
> Sylvain <sylvain <at> lahiette.com> writes:
> > Note that the subtitles are generated by my own 
> > application, so i can format them in any needed format.
> Then please use mpeg-ts which is the only format that 
> makes sense for dvbsub.
> Why don't you let FFmpeg create the subtitles?
> You do know that the mpeg-ts muxer (contrary to most/all 
> other parts of FFmpeg) is known to have problems creating 
> compliant streams?
> This is particularly true for dvbsubs, this is currently 
> tried to being fixed, please help if you can, see for 
> example ticket #2989.
> Carl Eugen
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