[FFmpeg-user] Pipe subtitles to ffmpeg exe

Carl Eugen Hoyos cehoyos at ag.or.at
Sun Dec 29 13:46:37 CET 2013

Sylvain <sylvain <at> lahiette.com> writes:

> Note that the subtitles are generated by my own 
> application, so i can format them in any needed format.

Then please use mpeg-ts which is the only format that 
makes sense for dvbsub.
Why don't you let FFmpeg create the subtitles?

You do know that the mpeg-ts muxer (contrary to most/all 
other parts of FFmpeg) is known to have problems creating 
compliant streams?
This is particularly true for dvbsubs, this is currently 
tried to being fixed, please help if you can, see for 
example ticket #2989.

Carl Eugen

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